About this Blog

This blog was designed for Quinnipiac University’s JRN 305 course.

Ryan DeCosta, a senior at Quinnipiac University, is a Broadcast Journalism major and Sports Studies minor. He is currently an Intern at Radio 104.1 WMRQ, and an active member of the student-run organization WQAQ, as well as the Interactive Design Organization.

As a member of WQAQ, DeCosta is mainly responsible for collecting news for the day and writing/producing news briefs, PSA’s, and underwriting. Along with this, he works in the music, programming, promotion, and business department.

He hosts a radio show on Mondays from 2-4PM which has a Facebook page here. The show is also hosted online, which can be found here.

Although he has only worked at WMRQ for two weeks, DeCosta plans to make the most of it as he advances his career in the broadcasting world.

One thought on “About this Blog

  1. I have enjoyed reading all of your work, Ryan! Keep after it…it’s all about the journey! Your Friend, Mr. B…Frank Barron

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